Serving the Community

This website is intended for the whole community and is managed by members of Kirmington and Croxton Parish Council.

We welcome any suggestions and ideas on how it might be improved which can be sent to: May open an email client if one is installed

Kirmington and Croxton Parish Council was formed in the 1950’s by the amalgamation of the two Parish Councils.

The Council




Contact Us

Singleton Birch Communication – please click for more details

Parish Notices

Kirmington and Croxton

St. Helena's Church, Kirmington
Email from Anglian Water Ref: 64379638

Good morning,

I’m contacting you today to let you know about some upcoming environmental work we have planned in your area.

We’re committed to protecting your local environment and serving our communities. That’s why, this year, we’ve invested £11.5 million into 13 river projects in our region to boost local wildlife habitats, water levels and our ability to tackle droughts.

One of the projects we’ve invested in is near you. We’re doing some work to make sure that the Skitter Beck is less likely to dry out during long spells of warm, dry weather and maintain a thriving home for wildlife.

We’ll dig a narrow shaft in the ground (also known as a borehole) at our existing pumping station and then install new pipework between the borehole and the beck at the back of the WTW. This will allow us to pump groundwater from an area where there’s lots to where it’s needed most. During the drier months, this will support the beck and encourage flora and fauna to flourish.

We’ll start work on 05 August and if everything runs smoothly, we’ll be finished in October 2024. You can see where we’re working on the map below.

When we’re doing work like this there’s always likely to be some disruption for residents, and we want to thank the whole community in advance for bearing with us while we work.

You may more of our vehicles around while we’re working, and it might be a little noisier than normal. But don’t worry, all our work will happen during usual working hours, and we’ll always do our best to keep disruption to a minimum.

None of our work will affect your services at home so you can continue to use your facilities as normal.

We’ve recently completed another project at this WRC.

Phosphorous is a chemical widely used in soaps and cleaning products, but it can be harmful to wildlife in our waterways. So, to tackle this, we upgraded our water recycling centre.

We installed new equipment to strengthen the current water treatment process and we can now take out even more phosphorus from the water we return to the environment, improving the water quality for wildlife and reducing algae growth in your local rivers and streams.

You can find out more by visiting We’ll update the information online with the latest or if there’s any changes to our plans.

If you’ve got any questions or feedback about our work, you can call us on 03457 145 145 or email us at

Village Planters
We are looking for volunteers to help water and maintain the planters in the village. If you wish to volunteer please contact one of the Parish Councillors or email
Dog Walkers
Please remember to pick up your dog mess, particularly along Main Street, Kirmington. There is a £100 fine for environmental crime.
Outdoor Gym Equipment and Children’s Play Area Rules
Please click here to read the Play Area rules

Kirmington and Croxton

About Kirmington

The village of Kirmington is situated just off the A18 Brigg to Grimsby road and has a population of around 330 and is linked to Croxton via the C137.

The main features in the village are Saint Helen’s Church with its Green spire and Golden Cockerel weather vane on top, its chiming clock and well kept grounds; there is a War Memorial within the grounds of the Church, the Kirmington Church of England Primary School Opens in a new window , the Marrowbone and Cleaver (The Chopper) Public House, The166 Squadron RAF Memorial Garden; 166 squadron operated from Royal Air Force Kirmington during world war two; which is now Humberside International Airport.

There is a well kept Playing Field which is the responsibility of the Parish Council, a Bowling Club, a Business Park which was formally a Country Club and a number of farms.

About Croxton

The village of Croxton is situated on the B1211 road and has a population of around 50; Croxton was mentioned in the Doomsday book of 1086.

The main feature of the village is Saint John’s Church, of which parts date back to the 13th century, the Singleton and Birch Ltd quarry which is mainly used to extract lime for the steel industry; there are also a number of farms within the Parish.

There are two major employers in the parishes, Humberside International Airport Ltd and Singleton Birch Ltd and also a number of smaller businesses.

St. John the Evangelist's Church, Croxton

Kirmington and Croxton Parish Council

Contact Us